
Pop It!

I remember when Pop Rocks first came out in the 80's.  It was a hit.  Just imagine shards of sugar pieces with a secret surprise.  When they are hydrated with saliva, the pop rocks candy starts to crackle and pop.  It even has a sensation of popping in your mouth when you close it.  I heard some rumors however about a possible danger.  Drinking soda after consuming pop rocks  was said to pop your stomach.  Careful not to chance it being true, I stayed away from that.


Sips in Review

Dropped in to #i-teausa the other day and enjoyed a sip of the Honey Brown Rice MT.  It wasn't too sweet but the brown rice flavor was lacking.  Probably won't try this one next time except with maybe no sweetener, something I'm more used to.


Drop Everything

CF had a few proses to leave on the grave day it happened.  I like his smile for the way it seemed the core in his chest would bust out in bloom.

He said he calmly walked through the crowds who treated as just another passerby.  Such is a moment of grace for one with so many fans.  A moment's peace for him then, and unerring peace now.



[Cross Post:  Time to Get Busy, from The Halo Halo Blog, with edits]

I remember what he told me before the day. Now, here I am passing each one by one by one until the blend into a blur. My routine changes in hopes to remember that I am not just passing the same day over and over.

I write, I create, I visit to see the places around me. Did you know that He never traveled more than two hundred miles in any direction from his birthplace. Even then, his effect was a shock wave hi and around and around to be for ever.

There is this place I remember. It is in the fields along a wall of rocks about waist high. It is at an intersection in the middle of the vineyard that there is a lone tree on a hilltop.

I never thought that I would follow so earnestly this tale and invitation. Half embarassed, it wasn't really me there when he talked of it. Just overheard from a reading passed on, a message left for someone I dearly hoped would be

me too.

It was a nother time.

An innocent man.

Disappeared. Exonerated.

I often wonder how that place might look, that place on the water. And so I fall asleep afoot of the tree from wandering. And in the waking back to the walking, I looked forward to the rise of the sun.

With hope.


A Chance Meeting

Troubles are brewing.
Katydid you get over that bout of envy?
She looked up from her volume, a testament to her bookish obsession with the Savior.
It never crossed my mind.  Envy?  What are your thoughts on the NIV? Changing the subject.
My loyalty goes to God almighty and the King James.
Jes' shuttup Kendrick, nobody asked your opinion.
The few the proud.  I surrender.  I may be in the minority here.  Chuckling
Gah, he's so men tal about principles.
I'd be the first to tell you that.
So matchmaker, what'll it be today?
Look at that couple in the far corner.  She's obviously flirting.
True. But you could be wrong.
The analysis?
He's looking distracted.
Shut up Ken.
Jess sayin'.  Your witness?
Odd that you would say that.
A tourney of fates.
Let's see how this unfolds.
Ay love
Is it the magic pill?
Will you still love me til the morrow?
For without I bid thee and within I regret the parting, sweetly, swallowing hole the core the last of my world.
She stands, pauses then exits.
Bye the bye she finally bade bye bye.
At last
And what shall we do now sly cat for whom now missed?
you've red the code of my mind and it's under spell. Ed? Well hello there.
Your name? NO.
Crash and burn.  My goose has been cooked.  Did we ever,
The truth?
Handle please.
I can't.  Pass please.
I'm in.
You had me at hello.

Orders sir?
Let's get to work.  We've dallied enough.

We have a few players here in the café.  Kat and her girlfriend reluctantly let Kendrick join them at their table.  Light and casual Book talk follows to the mellow strumming of a guitarist in a far corner.  Attention turns, and a glowing couple bubble away with laughter and flirting, or so it seems.  I turn away long enough from my eaves to drop down at the terminal and run the routines.  A thoughtful sip as the music fades.  Roll credits.

  1. Movie References:  Top Gun, A Few Good Men, Minority Report, Jerry Maguire
  2. Interwoven Style:  Shakespearean Lingo
  3. Missing Name References
    1. Tom Cruz, aka Maverick, Jerry, Lt. Caffee
    2. Anthony Edwards, aka Goose
    3. Taylor Swift, as herself
    4. Meghan Traynor, as herself
  4. Supporting Players:  Keifer Sutherland (Lt. Kendrick), Jack Nicholson (Col. Jessup)
  5. Music Credit:  Kissing a Fool, a cover of a cover by Mike TG
  6. #brewlog:  Starbucks Veranda Blend, aka Blonde Roast  

Authors Notes:  I wrote this as a mashup of American pop culture.  The dialogue enjoys playful turns of phrase that may make you chuckle and smile.  Musical features are the soundtrack that is paired with the setting.  The reading is best done with the music in the background.  There are more you may find, to your liking as each line is intended for you to take a double-take.

An encore, you say?
Another hidden but related reference:  Legally Blonde, Reese Witherspoon

Disclaimer:  Product placement was completely intentional but not sponsored (nor desired so).  I still prefer to pay for my own coffee.


A Cuppa Pike's

Sip in quiet Sunday.
Sip in a Quiet Sunday

It was an afternoon like any other, only being hundreds of miles away from home.  I was on a stopover from my southbound journey by train, and it would be an overnight or more before I continued onward.

The hostel where I stayed was packed.  Backpackers travelling through this waterfront metro busily wandered about our floor preparing for an evening of sight seeing.  I found a flyer in the lobby downstairs that caught my attention.  A quick phone call and a reservation had me set for a special night on the water, for one.

Vancouver had been a wonderful one, laden with clean air and more waterfront views.  I told her it was so much like San Francisco, only cleaner and with less people.  We laughed about the locals and their accents, until I remindered here that people could pronounce their "r's" more easily than she.  In the silence I couldn't tell if it was annoyance or brooding embarrassment.  No worries, I could understand just as well, love, listens intently, no matter.

The market was a busy place.  It was just around the corner and up a steep hill from the hostel.  The weekday workers busily went about for their evening fare.  A broiled salmon and fresh vegetables would perhaps go well with a local bottle of wine.  Flushed from the walk, I step up to the walk where the vendors and sales of things fresh and delightful.  For sure, I would pass here on my last day in town for something to eat, and something to share for my reception back home.

Laughter exploded from the fish counter to my left.  Curious, I enjoyed the display of showmanship from the fishmongers behind their counter.  To pass their workday faster, they learned themselves to toss and catch their catch as fast as fast can go.  Take caution, low flying fish, my dears.

A tug at my arm at the table.  Is it that time to go, I thought lost in thought.  An appointment awaited and errands to be done.  A half cup full still, enough for the ride home.

Photo Credits

[1]:  A Corner Seat;  Photographer:  Rich Pascual, Location:  Downtown Pleasanton, California 


Brewing Up From the Underground

Scooter's Coffee Shop at a Train Terminal
Scoot Along Now
It's a convenience to pick up your Java right as you step off the underground train.  Seriously though, coffee shops from above and below?  There seems to be enough demand among the throng flowing through the station.  Cheers.  Now scoot along and get to work!


Holiday Cheer

A Starbucks Coffee Shop in a Courtyard
Beans and Brews Just Steps Away
There's a Starbucks coffee shop I pass each day on my morning walk to the office.  The lights on the trees nearby bring a smile to my face.  This has been a good year, and for what I haven't got there's an armload of gifts that have been with me on this life journey.

The Inside of a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Downtown San Francisco
Step Up to the Bar
I got my first sip of the signature Christmas blend coffee at Starbucks.  I'm glad I acquired the treat of plain coffee.  Some say it's bitter.  It's not.

I like the idea of a seasonal variety because it leaves you always looking forward to the next time.  It's like that with cherry blossoms in bloom.  They're so beautiful but fragile and temporary at the same time.  The first rains and winds of spring knock them loose from the branches and then they're gone, until the next spring comes along.

There are many things that are certain.  It's only a matter of waiting long enough for them to return.  For that many understand the feelings of a joyous reunion and what it means in a universal sense.

Cycles and circles keep me spinning with anticipation.  Christmas is here again.  What have you given?  Let's find out!  Under a tree in the middle of a forest of concrete, I ponder and take myself another sip of spicy, smoky, dark brew.  I know, it's cool.

Starbucks Coffee During the Holidays with a Gift Card
A Warm Brew and a Gift
Happy holidays to all my readers.  Even in the cold of winter, look for the blossoms that have continued to return faithfully to your life, and smile.
